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Parochial Church Council

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of the local church. It is established under the umbrella of the Deanery, Diocese and Church of England. It has to comply with all the rules of the Church of England, which is why it may appear very long-winded and old-fashioned at times, but it does ensure that irrevocable changes to buildings and land are fully debated at various levels before they are made.

The PCC is elected annually by church members and is normally chaired by the Vicar. Like all formal organisations there is a treasurer and a secretary. The Diocese (St.Edmunsbury and Ipswich) requires careful accounts and formal records to be kept of all transactions, and maintains an annual check on the activities of the PCC and it's care of the Church and the fixtures and fittings.

In Pettistree the PCC was the forerunner of the Parish Council and until the 1970s played a very large part in the running of the village and also it's social welfare. Luckily there are a great many documents in the care of the Suffolk Record Office detailing the events organised and expenses incurred by the PCC's of the past.

Today it meets 4 times a year, keeps an eye on expenditure, tries to organise the maintenance of the buildings and grounds, discusses the style of worship with the vicar and liaises with other organisations in the village. The Pettistree PCC feels that it is important to be open to new ideas but also to ensure that villagers do not feel excluded by change.



Martin Corrall Chair/churchwarden 07787185206
Kevin Blyth  01728 748205
Carolyn Westrope  churchwarden 01728 746139
Rev Jenny Catchpole  
Geraldine Thompson  
Betty Beale  
Mary Garner  
Maggie Hallett Deanery Synod representative
Francis Wadley  
Daphne Rose Deanery Synod representative
Mary Allen  
Rita Smith  
Gerry Smith  Treasurer (co-opted)
Leanne Castle Secretary