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Church Events

Weekly Events


Pilates, 5.30 (Beginners) & 6.30pm (Intermediate), Village Hall. Contact Sam Whitfield, 07716 316294. 


Bellringing Practice, 7pm, Church. Contact Mary Garner on 01728 746097. 


Church Service, Contact Maggie Hallet on 01728 746210. 

Benefice Choir,
SS Peter & Paul and All Saints

The choir sings at the Evensongs held on fourth Sundays in May to September.  It also sings at other services,i.e. The Carol Services, Good Friday, Easter Day and Harvest at The Benefice churches.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Mary Garner, 01728 746097

Friday 1st December - Sunday 31st December, 2023

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