Parish Council
Pettistree church community is small and friendly. The church is part of the benefice of Wickham Market and the two churches together provide a broad spectrum of worship styles. This means that Christians of varying backgrounds can find a service which suits them and with which they are comfortable. The congregation in Pettistree is generally comfortable with a more traditional form of service but that does not mean that it is 'old fashioned' in word or outlook. There is a monthly weekday morning communion service which is more meditative in style. All the morning Services on Sundays are followed by tea or coffee and a time to chat in the church..
Visitors to Pettistree should try to make time to visit the church to see the mediaeval glass, ( the oldest treasure) and view the most recent work of art, the altar rail kneelers.
Improvements to the church heating in 2004 greatly increased the congregation's comfort. Blown plasterwork on the south nave wall was removed in August 2005 revealing hidden features, at present the flint wall is exposed but there are plans for this to be replastered when the next redecoration is done. Some of the exposed flints will be left as this clearly shows the way this mediaeval church was constructed.
In 2014 a major project was undertaken to remove the 1960’s emulsion and redecorate with a ‘breathable’ replacement. Unfortunately it became apparent very quickly that this product was not suitable and at present (Dec 2018) expert analysis is continuing to suggest the most appropriate way to resolve the problem.
Volunteers care for the church and its churchyard and without this help it would be difficult to maintain the excellent appearance of the building and its grounds. The churchyard is still used for burials and all those who live in the village, all church members and also those with a strong family connection with the church are entitled to be buried there. There is a section near to the wall on Walnuts Lane designated for the burial of cremated remains.
A detailed record of the churchyard monuments and gravestones compiled by parishioner, Mike Watts can be found in the church.
The church has music: an award-winning group of bellringers and the Benefice Choir. The bellringers meet every Wednesday evening and the choir sings at the Evensongs held on fourth Sundays in May to September. It also sings at other services,i.e. The Carol Services, Good Friday, Easter Day and Harvest at The Benefice churches.
If you are interested in joining either please contact Mary Garner, 01728 746097